Tuesday, March 22, 2011



I have been thinking about this word all day. I heard a story on the radio as I was driving to one of my many activities today and a lady was talking about how her life changed when she finally excepted that God had given her the life she had: good or bad, plentiful or not. She had struggled and worked hard as a single mom and had resentment for missing things in her boys life. Once she excepted her life that was given to her she was happy and content.

This made me think: Have we excepted? God? Our life the way it is handed to us? Are we always trying to change things?

Having a husband in the military seems to put these answers to the test. We move and sometimes and I think - really? there? why? He leaves and I think - again? there? why?

I am now in a new town, a new house and living a whole new life. We are living at an Army Post, no Air Force living for us. It is very different for me. I am learning new things every day, can I change them - no, but I can embrace them and except them. It is hard, especially when an Army wife gives me a funny look when she finds out my husband will "only deploy for 6 months" as opposed to 1 year. Then, I take a step back and think, when hubby comes home from deployment, their hubby is coming for R&R - A whole new world.

If we except things God hands us, we will have peace and can handle anything.

1 comment:

  1. Good blog and good point of view. Being an Army Brat and an Air Force Wife(AD once as well),I have always been able to walk the line between the Army and the Air Force way of life. For me the differences are few and the similarities are many.

