Monday, November 22, 2010


WE HAVE MOVED! AGAIN! This is part of living the military life -right. We set down our roots, we make friends, neighbors, we learn where the stores are, how to get everywhere and then BAM .. off we go again. We all know it is coming and we are ready and expecting it, but it is still hard to start over. Making a new house our home, helping the kids settled in a new school, cub scouts, girl scouts, church ... and the list goes on. Now, we are adding in the holidays. The list seems endless and yet we do it over and over again.I do this life - I chose this life when I married the man of my dreams. Some days just seems a bit harder then others. In a few weeks (ok maybe a a month or so) all my boxes will be unpacked, mu house will feel like home and I will feel settled in. It always seems to take me a good 4-6 months to feel really settled in before I feel AT HOME. In the meantime we will have Thanksgiving and Christmas and enjoy some good quality family time - which we always love!
