Monday, January 24, 2011


She is Twelve. Not sure why Julie turning 12 got me so emotional. Maybe the fact that all the sudden she seems to be growing into a young woman, she is beginning to make decisions on her own, teasing us, taking a part in conversations ... she is really growing up. For those of you that have been around Julie forever .. she has always been stick thin, well all the sudden, she has some hips, a few curves coming around and she grown a bit. I guess 12 is just the beginning of a whole new world for us.

She had a strange list of birthday presents ... American girl doll, cell phone, ears double pierced and a few other odd things. So she is still stuck between the 2 worlds which thrills her mother (NO, she didn't get the cell phone, but the rest yes, the cell phone will come come soon enough).

I hope to build a strong foundation with her to keep this strong relationship so we can continue to hear this laughter and have fun thru her tweens. We do have a few stomps and eye rolls but mostly we have fun right now. Julie is a joy. She has brought light into out lives and laughter in our lives. She is always willing to help and has a kindred heart.

Monday, January 3, 2011

JT's tree

Aiden's tree

Julie's tree

Christmas in New York

Christmas has come and gone - the kids are back in school. I always enjoy having them home but just as glad to have them back in school. We seem to have no routine when they are out for such a short time and this break was worse. Some one seemed to be sick the entire break which was not so fun. We sniffled through and had a nice Christmas!

We decorated cookies, made a Gingerbread village and spent some good quality family time. It was a very quiet Christmas this year. Being in a new place, was time to make new memories - this year in our very own home. We missed our family in Colorado but the kids break was too short and we are too far away. We enjoyed the white New York Christmas and decided - no need to even get dressed - it was a nice casual day for family.

We hope that all our family and friends had a great holiday and know we were thinking of you!
